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Brooke did not survive :(

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Posted by PHBoxTurtle on May 08, 2003 at 20:59:31:

In Reply to: Brooke did not survive :( posted by brittbrat on May 06, 2003 at 18:02:11:

Box turtles try very hard to not appear to be sick. It's important that turtle owners observe their turtles daily and carefully because the turtles will not let you know they are sick.

I'm sorry that your first turtle died and if you decide to get another one I hope you'll investigate their care thoroughly because their care is not hard, but it is exacting, as it is for all exotic pets. Tess

:What went wrong! She was fine , it started to get warm and then got cold again. I moved away from where she was being kept at my aunts house, who has had reptiles before, and she checked on her when it got cold again she burrowed even further down. Well I came to get her today and she was dead. I guess I should stick with snakes. I am so mad at myself. I fell like the most horrible person in the world . I did everything you guys told me to do. My first turtle and I killed her. :( guess I won't be coming here anymore.


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