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Someone confirm my thoughts please

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Posted by PHBoxTurtle on May 08, 2003 at 20:42:16:

In Reply to: Someone confirm my thoughts please posted by John on May 08, 2003 at 19:39:15:

Sorry to hear about Jasmine. You may want to think about how you can safeguard Angie next winter. I hibernate my turtles in a temperature controlled hibernation box. If you want more info please write to me.

As for Angie's eyes. If pus is coming out of the eyes, it usually means an eye infection. You'll need to get antibiotic eye ointment from a vet. Be sure to change the conditions that precipitated the eye infection. This is where a reptile vet is the biggest help. He can advise you about proper husbandry. You can also read about box turtle care on several good websites on the Internet. It could be you have the set up too dry or too dirty. Maybe her diet is not high in Vit A. Please let us know about her care and perhaps we can help you pinpoint the problem. For now the best thing is take her to a vet for the proper diagnosis and meds. Tess

:found angie with a lil white pus comming from her eyes. This is caused by Vitamin (a?) deficiancy and the cause was (low humidity?). Not sure if those are correct, please correct me if I am wrong, or tell me if I am right. P

:PS. Jasmine died during hibernation :(

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