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Brooke did not survive :(

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Posted by Brittbrat on May 08, 2003 at 07:22:24:

In Reply to: Brooke did not survive :( posted by tortugas on May 07, 2003 at 14:54:09:

:Sorry for your loss. A couple of questions though. Where was the box turtle originally from? What kind was it? Are you sure it wasn't sick before it went into hibernation. Lastly, did you buy it from a pet store or on line? Sometimes if you buy them that way, the turtles, and tortoises for that matter are subjected to conditions that are condusive to sickness, and internal parasites.

I voluteer at a reptile rescue. The owner is a vet tech and works along with a vet . When they get new reptiles in they quarentine them before they adopt them out. He had had her for a while and told me she was fine to take home. She was very healthy and alert.
thanks for the help

:Bill Griffin

::I can't remember for sure when she finally burrowed in the dirt but it had already gotten cold outside... After she burrowed I put hay on top of the hole and around her enclosure. It started to get warm but then got cold again. The weather in ohio has been very strange. My aunt and uncle said that they had been checking on her(my aunt was raised around reptiles and exotic animals.) and said she was fine. yesterday I went to get her so I could bring her to my new place and she was dead. She has already started to decay. I feel so bad. Hopefully you guys can tell me what I did wrong or if it was just the weather.


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