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Box Turtle Pen Picture

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Posted by rnrlesnar on May 02, 2003 at 12:31:18:

In Reply to: Box Turtle Pen Picture posted by JJ on May 01, 2003 at 19:18:37:

:what kind of worms do you feed the babies? also what substrate do you keep the babies on? lastly, are all the adults three toeds too? I have 8 adults three toeds and get plenty of eggs.

The worms I feed the babies either come from the yard, or a local bait shop where I get most of the worms. It's just $2.00 for a container of them which last about a week. For substrate, I use plain top soil and some ground up leaves from the yard. It's plain top soil from Loews. I'm honestly not sure if all the adults are 3 toed. I have one that is much larger than all the others, and her babies are nearly twice as big as the other babies right now. The majority of them are three toed though. Most of my adults were found on the highway or in my yard. It's not safe around here anymore for them because of all the newly developed subdivisions.

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