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Resue or Relocate

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Posted by TMSocool on May 01, 2003 at 20:31:17:

In Reply to: Resue or Relocate posted by PHBoxTurtle on April 29, 2003 at 21:03:59:

:This is a tough question. I have taken in turtles from constuction sites and relocated them. It was the only alternative. That may be the situation in your case too. Do you have an area near by home that is large and very heavily wooded? If so you can try there.

:But if you think the turtle may be a pet and your state allows its citizens to collect a box turtle turtle as a pet, you may want to keep it as one but not indoors, but in an outdoor pen.

:This turtle has an unusual personality and if you are willing to commit yourself for life, it may make a very nice pet. Of course only if you can legally take it.

:Hey Tess,
Thanks for the advice. We do have a wooded area in the back of our property that has a small stream flowing through it. It seperates us from a neighbor. That is where we tried to release her but so far we have had no luck. She seems like she has a death wish. Since my last posting she decided to tangle with the neighbors dog again. I have 2 other box turtles. Would I be able to use the same outdoor pen for our new guest or would it be better to keep her seperated if we adopted her?
::If anyone has any advice on this issue I could sure use some!!! In February we had some really warm days and on one of those days a box turtle showed up in my drive way. At first I thought she was just changing Hibernation locations but she didn't move even when it got cold. We tried to get her to "go back to sleep" but she just kept coming back.We finally put her in a really sheltered place and all seemed well until recently. She must have 9 lives because she keeps getting into life threatning sitautions in mine and my neighbors yard (getting almost run over by lawn mowers, makinghomes by cars and yard carts, having altercations with chained dogs etc.) After her last dangerous encounter we took her in for a few days, when we tried to feed her she wouldn't eat anything but chicken(cooked not raw).Do you think she could have been a pet that was released or lost? Should we adopt her so that she doesn't get hurt or relocate her to another location i know of that sports others of her kind? I must add I have lived in this ares for 11 years and have documented several other boxies that show up pretty regularly and we have never seen her before. None of the others aresttracted to people like she is or so readily come into dangerous areas. Thanks for any insight!!!


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