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They can't get off their backs!

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Posted by PHBoxTurtle on April 30, 2003 at 21:44:36:

In Reply to: They can't get off their backs! posted by Annette on April 30, 2003 at 20:48:19:

Not necessarily! I have had several people tell me their turtle had died because it was upside down and couldn't right itself. They were usually caught in the sun and overheated. I have a turtle like that myself and I have to check on it every few hours and never leave it in the sun. I also make an effort to keep it's pen grassy. If there is tall grass in the pen it can use it to grab a foot full and help it turn over. Since your turtle is only a yearling there is still hope it will become stronger but until you know for sure it can right itself, don't leave it in a pen that gets sun. That is what kills, not the fact that it is upside down. Also make sure the pen is not hard pack but soft and has relief so the turtle can use friction and the relief to help it right itself.

:I posted a question earlier about leaving my (almost) yearlings outside all the time. I have left them out all day today and plan to leave them overnight. My concern is this: Three times I have found one of them outside during the day on his back and he couldn't get turned back over. I know too much protein will cause their shells to grow faster than their bodies, but they really have had a variety of foods all winter. Is this a concern? Will they eventually get turned back over if I leave them alone?

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