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Help! Fighting Three-toed Turtles! Blood!

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Posted by erinszoo on April 30, 2003 at 15:01:31:

In Reply to: Help! Fighting Three-toed Turtles! Blood! posted by OldTime on April 30, 2003 at 12:54:05:

You're not necessarily doing anything wrong.

My first question is how old are these turtles? The fighting could be territorial in response to mating issues if they are sexually mature. This is typically a seasonal issues and not long term.

I have two rescue turtles that live together outside. I can not tell what sex they are because none of the normal criteria fit. ONe of them doesn't even have a tail because it was chopped off in a lawn mower accident, as was the end of the shell. Two years ago one of the turtles refused to let the other eat anything. I could put out an entire cantalope and the one turtle would sit beside it until it was eaten entirely by him and the ants and flies. If the other turtle came near, he would hiss and ram into him and push and grumble. This turtle reacted the same way about the water hole. So,I built a second water hole and fed in two locations for the rest of the year.

Last year, same turtles, nary a problem. Shared boiled eggs, bit worms in half, went for a swim with one another . . not a grunt, groan or snort one. Go figure.

I'd just keep a watch on them, seperate them if you have to and reintroduce later.

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