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Bad accident with turtle egg is there still hope?

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Posted by Gwendline on April 28, 2003 at 23:56:50:

Today my ornate box turtle laid one egg. She did not bury it in her digging box like she did last year. This is her second time for laying eggs. Last year she laid and buried 5 eggs. 4 eggs went bad and got bugs in them and the remaining one developed a baby but he never made it past piping the egg. Ad then he died before he could break free.
This I was cleaning cages and I looked at her and about 15 minutes later she laid an egg in the middle of her enclosure she didn't even attempt to bury it like she did last year and in fact she looked like she was going to eat it. So I removed the egg from the enclosure and put it in the home made incubator and before I could get every thing set up correctly the incubator which was a 5 gallon glass aquarium fell to the floor breaking and spilling the egg out of the egg cup. I know the egg got rotated from it's original laying position and was covered in glass and pearlite. I rinsed it off in warm water and am now incubating it again in a safer location at 76 degreases. Do you think there is any hope for this poor egg?
Any help would be appreciated. My email is
Wendy in Wyoming

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