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Posted by nathana on April 25, 2003 at 11:08:10:

In Reply to: Re: Nathan's questions posted by yagotter on April 24, 2003 at 15:25:07:

I'd love to see photos of them. That would be the first time I ever saw follow-ups to animals I had given away this long after. The one we retained (eastern, one of PrettyBoy's) has been slowly fed, a bit differently than I did in the past, and he's grown perfectly domed and slowly the whole way so far. I'm kind of hoping he ends up looking like his father, and so far I think he will, but he/she is definately smaller than other hatchlings I've let eat their fill as they wished every day (he is fed 3 days a week as much as he wants).

If you have the photos, I would put them on my server and send you the links to them. Nice perks when you own your own domain.

It's interesting that your ornate male is smaller than your three-toed males. My threetoeds are slightly smaller than any eastern males I've had, and a LOT smaller than one eastern male. I don't keep ornates, but all the ornates I've seen in person are easily an inch longer than my larger three-toed male. I would have supposed they were all like this. Is your male ornate fully grown?

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