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3.5 Asian boxes here and a question

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Posted by Brian-SFCRC on April 24, 2003 at 09:49:34:

In Reply to: 3.5 Asian boxes here and a question posted by Danny797 on April 24, 2003 at 05:19:30:

Southern Florida Corucia Research Center (SFCRC)


More info please. What part of the country (or world) are you in? The asian box- are they Malaysian (Couria amboinensis)?


They are Couria amboinenseis. Your pool set-up is fine. I find this species likes a 50-50 split between land and water. If you live in Southern florida, you can keep them out all year. If it gets below 50, I generally pull them out of the substrate and bring them inside. Raccoons, skunks and birds (yes, Birds. I half seen Turkey Vultures carring off Box turtles) are a problem. You may find a wire screen cover will help. Raccoons are generally more of a problem with eggs and neonates. Provide a house shelter in addition to substrate (i.e. the top half of a kiity litter box) will give them a chance to get out of sight. Malaysians are perfectly compatable with Florida Box Turtles (Terrapene caolina bauri)if your able to acquire or keep one. a few small real or artifical trees provide security in addition to increased cosmetics.

Good Luck,


:I am going to hope for some breeding this year, 2 male and 2 females are at least 6"+ and 2 more males and 2 more females are in the 5" range, and one more smaller one. They are set up right now indoors in a large tank, with 12" of swimming water and they all are doing good. My question is we have a 125 gallon pond that you can buy at walmart, will the asians be ok in there during the summer, we do have racoons, but will they be able to fish the asians out?

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