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playful nips or a real problem?

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Posted by JFeul on April 10, 2003 at 11:25:07:

My setup for my new baby eastern is about 2/3 soil and 1/3 gravel. I figured this would add some variety of surface and that the rocks would retain heat when the basking light must be shut off. Also, the gravel surrounds the water dish, which has helped in keeping gobs of muddy dirt out of it.

This seemed to be a good idea until I noticed that little Huck would, during and after feeding, try to eat the gravel! He's probably worked up with all the tastes and smells and just goes after anything near him. Obviously, it doesn't taste quite right, and he doesn't really eat them--I'm not sure he even could, due to size--but I'm concerned that this is not healthy for his beak. Am I overreacting? Has anyone had any similar experiences? Any advice on this would be helpful.

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