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Re: Outside Plant Recommendations in MI for Easterns

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Posted by StephF on April 09, 2003 at 10:45:37:

In Reply to: Outside Plant Recommendations in MI for Easterns posted by yonkers on April 08, 2003 at 20:12:48:

:Hey All,

:I have an outside pen for my easterns and I want to give them a little more cover. I have a good chunk of daylillies and a very large hosta in there. The pen is about 8' x 12'

:What recommendations do you have? Looking for something low growing, easy maintenance etc.


Where in Michigan are you? Depending on the part of the state, MI has three different "Hardiness Zones" which could make a big difference in terms of what you can grow.
As a landscape designer and wildlife lover, my approach would be to call your county extension service and ask for a master gardener to help you chose some native woodland plants. You'll probably come away a list of options that you can then edit. I'm not in your area, so unfortunately I can't give you a list myself. Be aware that they probably won't be able to help you with and questions you might have about toxicity to animals, but by sticking with native plants you'll have the turtle's instinct working in your favor.

Good luck!

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