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Posted by nebit on April 09, 2003 at 01:55:38:

so mike's on vacation for a few days playing live demo for my Bio proff. (they're not gonna hurt him, he's just there so kids can see him) I took the opportunity to clean house and rearrange his pen. I think the hide box is in a better locale now, and I set up the light a little different so it concentrates more in one area, with a basking spot under it. Anyways...

I found a bag of sphagnum moss, which I've heard is good. What do i do with it? so far I put a pile in the corner tall enough so he could easily bury himself. (I let him outside the other day and noticed how much he loved to nestle in the leaves). I also put a little on one side of the hide box. I dampened it too. How long will it stay good? Does it grow mold and stuff? How wet should it be? questions, questioons, questions....

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