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Re: turts are up, but haven't eaten yet- is this okay???

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Posted by ian on April 08, 2003 at 14:55:46:

In Reply to: turts are up, but haven't eaten yet- is this okay??? posted by bethg on April 08, 2003 at 12:35:18:

i wouldn't worry about it. i'd say with many herps, including box turtles, typically when they begin to emerge from hibernation its a gradual process of getting their system going again. for example i bet if you didnt bring them indoors, they would bask near the surface, and then burrow back down at night. i've observed wild desert box turtles sitting just inside their burrow mouths, within a patch of sunlight that is striking the burrow, in early spring, when the nights are still really cool, and the day was cool too for that matter. those same turtles wouldnt be getting really active until much later in the year. when i was keeping eastern box turtles here in new mexico, some would beging to wake up from hibernation in early february or so, but basically just lay around and bask, and not begin to eat well until mid to late march.
good luck, ian

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