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More plant stuff

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Posted by StephF on April 07, 2003 at 20:53:31:

I don't know about anybody else out there, but in choosing plant material for my outdoor turtle pen I'm trying to strike a balance between what pleases me and what pleases them, so I've tried to include alot of native woodland plants, and, with some exceptions, stay to away from what are referred to as introductions. Not exactly purist, but I want my guys to feel at home, so to speak. One exception has been Hostas, my logic being that slugs like to eat Hostas and turtles like to eat slugs. Both lilies and day lilies are introductions, by the way. In the indoor habitat, I planted ferns in whats called a bulb pan: a short, squatty flower pot. I went with ferns because they are edible and could survive under artificial lights. It has worked out nicely. I've also seen references in this forum to azaleas being toxic to turtles: I wonder if that includes native deciduous azaleas as well. They are found in temperate forests (like eastern box turtles). I don't know about turtle toxicity issues, but I do have literature about native plants, so I can be of some help there.

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