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Re: Sick three-toed is much better!

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Posted by threetoedOK on April 06, 2003 at 15:39:39:

In Reply to: Re: Sick three-toed is much better! posted by PHBoxTurtle on April 05, 2003 at 21:14:54:

Hi, yes, the specialist vet told me to let him soak all day if that's what the turtle wanted to do, he said that wouldn't affect the respiratory problem negatively. I have a low-sided dish in his terrarium which he can get in and out of easily on his own, so if he wants to get out, he can. Today he got both eyes completely open, and his strength is coming back, too, although he hasn't eaten yet. I put a slice of banana in front of him, he was interested in it but didn't bite. As for the new vet, I like him ok, although the phone consultation was a bit pricey.

:Did the vet tell you to soak him that long? If I was treating this turtle, I would limit the soakings to half an hour and do it 3-4 times a day for as long as he is on antibiotics. And then down to daily soakings, with water available in a shallow dish for him to enter whenever he wanted to. That would be more natural. But it sounds like the turtle is on his way to recovery! How do you like this new vet?

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