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Re: Indoor Turtle Pen

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Posted by PHBoxTurtle on April 05, 2003 at 21:38:40:

In Reply to: Indoor Turtle Pen posted by nategodin on April 01, 2003 at 22:19:37:

Another gadget you'll need would be a thermometer. You shouldn't guess the temps :) A 60 to 75 watt bulb should work fine in an air conditioned house, but let the thermometer be your guide!

A glazed plant saucer is MUCH better then unglazed. Less water loss and easier to clean thoroughly. I would stick with plastic plants in such a small container. The plants are there to reduce stress on the turtle by providing cover, not for eating. You can also spray them to add more humidity to the container.

A UVA and UVB producing light will make foods appear more appetizing to a turtle, and it will help the turtle to feel better-just as sunlight makes us feel better. So don't skip that feature. Even if the turtle gets outside for sunlight, his indoor home should be just as comfortable to him as any outdoor home.

Good luck :) Tess

:I've decided to get an eastern box turtle this spring, and I'm setting up an indoor enclosure. (I'll be setting up an outdoor enclosure later this summer.) I went down to Home Depot and got a 45 gallon Rubbermaid container, 40 lbs. of top soil, a clay pot and saucer, a fern and some strawberry plants. I mixed the top soil with some of the bark substrate that I use for my snakes, and added some moss as a top layer to keep things moist. I knocked a large chunk out of the side of the clay pot and filed down the edges, and put some extra moss in there, for a hiding spot. The saucer is obviously a water dish/pool, and the slab of slate on the right will be the feeding/basking area, I plan to mount an incandescent light above it for heat and UVB.

:A couple questions... first, any reccommendations as to what size (wattage) light bulb would be appropriate for this size enclosure? The slate basking area is about 12" down from the top of the container. How about the plants? Do they stand a chance, or will they just be trampled/eaten? Is there anything else that I've forgotten?



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