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Re: Florida Box Baby

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Posted by LisaOKC on April 04, 2003 at 12:10:44:

In Reply to: Florida Box Baby posted by beach-bum on April 02, 2003 at 22:09:04:

I feed my babies crickets, mealworms, earthworms and occasionally the beetles that the mealworms pupate into. I also feed them reptomin perodically and occasionally I put pelleted water turtle food that I have for my red eared sliders in their water. The reptomin has cholocalciferal which is a source of vitamin D3.
I feed the crickets goldfish flakes that have vitimins (including D3) and I also dust crickets and mealworms with Rep-cal Herptivite and Calcium. If you feed alot of Reptimin, I don't know if I would dust the bugs everytime you feed. I'm not sure if they can have too many vitamins or not. The Herptivive supplies vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, which is a safer way to provide vitamin A(which is very important). I also keep a supply of romaine lettuce to feed the turtles and the bugs. Most of my babies have gotten where they will eat romaine lettuce but they might not initially, but I would perodically offer it. In the meantime, if your baby won't eat the romaine, the mealworms and crickets will eat it, so there is more than one way to get romaine lettuce in them. Romaine lettuce is very nutritious, iceberg lettuce is worthless. My babies also enjoy cubed pieces of tomato, kernals of cooked corn and while I have had difficulty with carrots, I recently have gotten some of the babies to eat a bite or two of a thin slice of cooked carrot.
You can clearly see how they have a natural attraction to some of these foods, or at least the colors. I've also had babies eat strawberries, blackberries, grapes and cantaloupe.
Right now, I would just make sure your baby get comfortable eating the insects and maybe the reptomin, which they seem naturally drawn to. If he gets where he is eating alot of bugs at a sitting, at that point I might feed bugs every other day or so and feed fruits and veggies on off days. Some babies will have some self control or a modest appetite, some are such pigs that I don't know if they would ever feel full, so you have to see what your baby is like. Tess Cook's website has alot of good info regarding not feeding too much protein. I didn't listen to this advice as much as I should, in part, because there is so much info out there saying babies are carniverous and it is difficult to get them to eat veggies. I have found with my 2002 babies that this isn't the case. I do have some odd shells with my 2001 babies I believe because I may have given them too much protein, and I also had two that metabolic bone disease.
I wasn't watching carefully enough and those two weren't getting as many of the crickets that were gut loaded and dusted with calcium and vegatables.

I think balance is the most important thing. Crickets and other live food are very important, but it is possible to feed too much.
Although would worry too much in the first week or so while he is adjusting. Good luck with your new baby!

:I wrote the other day since I'm a new owner of a Florida Box turtle. My baby ate a worm the 2nd day I had him and then two days later (yesterday) ate a small cricket and a meal worm. I've read lots of materials on food. Maybe a few of you could tell me what you feed and what would be a pretty balanced diet for him. Thanks for your help. He soooo cute and I want to keep him healthy!

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