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Re: nathana.....

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Posted by nathana on April 02, 2003 at 08:33:39:

In Reply to: nathana..... posted by John on April 01, 2003 at 12:28:43:

many of mine have been up (surprisingly, more of the 2001 babies were up than the adults). They all disappeared late in the week and I wonder if they knew we were getting snow on Sunday. I didn't actually see them active, on the days they've been up (well, some of the 01's, but not adults) but I put out the food and saw their scrapes and things, and found them right up by the surface under only a little mulch.

I imagine by the end of this week I'll probably have more activity out there.

We found our first road-turtle alive this year. It was a big old orange male eastern box... quite stunning markings. He had some chips out of his shell, but was otherwise heavy as a stone, so nicely flared and a rich black plastron. What a find for the first one of the season we've seen driving... hope he got tucked in and warm before the next morning when we had snow.

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