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Re: Timing a release

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Posted by PHBoxTurtle on April 01, 2003 at 15:29:15:

In Reply to: Timing a release posted by Gazzazz1 on March 31, 2003 at 00:48:23:

Where do you live? Most states have regulation regarding the release of captive herps. You will have to prove these turtles were not pets, but were taken in for rehab, etc. Some states have very active herp rehabbers and you may be able to go through them for these turtles release. Especially do not release them back into the wild without the help of state licensed rehabbers if these turtles were kept anywhere near exotic turtles or tortoises (ie. non-native turtles).

In the past, with the approval of the biologist in charge of a Texas nature preserve, I released several box turtles in the early fall on the preserve. I timed the release to occur when turtles would normally be looking for places to hibernate and would not have that strong urge to look for nest sites or female mates.

I placed the turtles in a pen built on the site for one month prior to release. Of course there were no water faucets :) I hauled water and supplemental live food for a month!

As you can see, there is a lot to consider before a release.

:I intend to release two of my box turtles back into the wild after one winter in captivity. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as timing issues? Thanks.

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