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Posted by StephF on April 01, 2003 at 12:12:40:

Just some odds and ends to share. We have a multi pet household and are always looking for ways to save money, so I thought I'd pass this along: the least expensive source of Chlorhexidine I've found has been from Jeffers Pet Supply. A 1 gal jug, plus shipping came to less than $25.00. They don't really have a good selection of herp supplies, but if you have other pets its a great resource.
Another random tidbit: last fall, shortly after removing him from a construction site, Hector (eastern male) showed signs of swelling on the left side of his head. I diligently took him to my vet (has lots of herp experience), who performed standard ear abscess removal surgery. The vet remarked at the time that the consistency of the pus was not typical at all. It was cultured and we treated him with the appropriate antibiotic, but the swelling never really went away.
I took him back yesterday, because the swelling had increased markedly over the last few weeks. The surgery was repeated, and this time , the vet said that the pus was text-book consistency, and he successfully removed all of it.
He thinks that the first effort had been premature, and the pus had not become caseated, so he wasn't able to clean it out properly.
I'm sharing this with you all for informational purposes.
If this comes up again , I'll probably wait for a little bit, rather than put anyone through multiple proceedures.
Hector,in the meantime, has perked up quite a bit since yesterdays ordeal, and even ate a little today. He LOVES blackberries.

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