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Re: Substrate?

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Posted by nathana on March 31, 2003 at 13:53:41:

In Reply to: Re: Substrate? posted by Chuck A on March 31, 2003 at 10:54:14:

in my pens I've used plain hardwood mulch. It's the cheapest, and it's not full of stuff that might be bad (cedar). I make piles of it for them to burrow into. I also plant plenty of plants, and every year I stick a couple of seeds in the ground around the pens with things like watermelon and pumpkin, which make long creeping vines that have big leaves, nice shady hiding spots. If you grow a fruit on it, so much the better (though if you use things like zuccini, they will start eating it as soon as the fruit appears, it's cheap food and fun forage for them, so not a bad thing, just don't plan on having the fruit for yourself).

Clover seed is a good one as well, it doesn't grow very tall like many grasses, so if you have an area you want to stay hsort without mowing it...

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