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Re: Treated wood experience?

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Posted by PHBoxTurtle on March 28, 2003 at 00:23:45:

In Reply to: Treated wood experience? posted by phelpcd1 on March 27, 2003 at 20:26:01:

I use treated wood and have not had my turtles suffer from any ill effects. Only time will tell of course. I try to use as little of it as possible. I think the harm might be when you build a wooden box for your turtles made of treated wood and cedar and have them live in it.

You are not supposed to paint it the first year but after that you can. I also shield the turtles from it directly by facing the wood with metal flashing.
Tess I moved into a new house last fall and had a turtle pen built. I decided to separate the genders, so I'm working on plans/pricing for a 2nd pen (12ft x 12ft). The same friend of ours is going to do the 2nd pen........I found out that the 4x4 posts that are concreted into the ground and the 2x6's that are used as the base barrier is treated and the remaining wood on the pen is all cedar. We used a good water sealer on the pen to prevent rotting, and plan to do so on the new pen. My question is this: has anyone ever had issues with using treated posts? I was thinking of using the 4x4 treated posts and the entire rest as cedar on this 2nd pen. Can't do anything about the 1st one. My previous home's fence was done in a treated and sealed lumber, and I never had any problems from this. I've heard not to use treated, but I've never heard any "bad" stories about it either. Plus, it seems that you can't get any untreated wood in Tx that won't be chewed up by termites! The project is starting next Saturday so I'll be getting my materials this weekend and next week. If you've got any first hand experience with this, let me know. I'll try including a pic of the existing pen.........we will be keeping the 3 girls in this pen, and putting the 2 boys in the new pen.

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