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Re: Help! 1+ year old Box Turtles stopped eating

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Posted by LisaOKC on March 27, 2003 at 09:41:55:

In Reply to: Help! 1+ year old Box Turtles stopped eating posted by superbearcat on March 27, 2003 at 00:27:58:

Probably need to find a reptile vet asap! How large of a container do you have them in? Does your "grow light" make it warmer than 78 degrees in one area of their habitat? If not you might want to create a warmer spot. Note: You don't want to raise the temp of the entire habitat, but it might be good for them to have a warmer spot to bask in. Do they have water that they can get in at will? Just some thoughts. Hopefully others will be along with more info.

:2 turtles that hatched out in fall of 01 have not eaten for several weeks and mostly lay about with eyes closed. They had been on a diet of earthworms, mealworms and veg and seemed to do well until recently. I keep them at about 78 deg and lately have left their "grow" light on continuously and raised the humidity. They seem to wake up for a short while when I place them in shallow water, but pretty much seem to "sleep". Today, I noticed one did have some cloudy liquid discharge from the nostrils. Is there any liquid medicine, vitamins, food, ect out there that may help? Should they be seperated from each other? I have had the parents(currently hibernating) for 18 years and hatchlings from a previous season and they have done well so I know some of the basics. New to this site, please advise.

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