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Re: Help! 1+ year old Box Turtles stopped eating

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Posted by rattay on March 27, 2003 at 09:38:05:

In Reply to: Help! 1+ year old Box Turtles stopped eating posted by superbearcat on March 27, 2003 at 00:27:58:

Hi there,

You should get the little guys to a vet as quickly as you can. Sounds like they have a respiratory infection. In babies, it come overtake them much quicker than adults. You will likely need to treat them with antibiotics until their activity returns and the discharge goes away.

It's not uncommon for babies to remain hidden (alot) however if their eyes are typically open and alert for a good part of the day and nose/mouth should be clear of any discharge. You should also monitor their breathing and watch for 1) hard breathing 2) open mouth breathing.

Find a qualified Herp vet in your area on the ARAV site.



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