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Thanks Hermann...

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Posted by rick s. on May 10, 2003 at 17:13:10:

In Reply to: Measures.... posted by H+E Stoeckl on May 10, 2003 at 13:42:06:

His housing prior to coming here was pretty lousy, a large cardboard box. He has been here nearly a month, but doesn't seem to be losing weight. He definitely doesn't hide a lot, but he is very jumpy when handled. I've only handled him a few times to try to help keep the stress down, but he is noticeably more wild than most of my other larger boas. Luckily, he isn't to this point nippy! If there isn't any improvement in the next few weeks or if it hasn't started eating, a vet trip will definitely be made.

Thanks for the input, it is greatly appreciated!

:Housing a boa at bad conditions cause stress to the animal and this may lead to a disease (mostly a bacterial infaction).

:The fact that the boa (still) look good don't prove that it is healthy.

:So the first measure is to provide proper housing conditions (which I assume) and to weigh the animal. A serious disease often shows a significant loss of weight within a short time. However, the owner don't notice it because he sees the animal every day. So weighing and checking the weight is crucial.

:If the animal don't start to feed within, say, two month a visit at the vet is necessary.

:If the animal loses weight or shows a behaviour which is not normal (hiding day and night) a visit at the vet has to be done immediately.

:It could be written several pages about this topic, but this lines was the most important things.

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