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When I was buying my aneries from Tip Powers.......more

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Posted by amazoa on May 09, 2003 at 04:53:09:

In Reply to: Dave, not to be rude, but you were not the first...... posted by Jeremy Stone on May 08, 2003 at 18:45:36:

We had a conversation about his Hypo X Hogs. At the time I was on an anery binge. lol Sure miss Tip Powers he was one heck of a breeder. Not many have a fraction of the skills he had with the genetic squares.......later Richard

:Tip Powers was the first to do this in 99. Lindy Johnson still has some of them as he and Tip Split the litter on a breeding project. I bought a bunch of the normals that were Hogg Hypo crosses that didn't get the hypo gene becuase I thought they might look cool. The normals ended up NOT being cool, and I didn't like the look so I sold them. However, the Hypos were very nice. I think they are a BEAUTIFUL snake. However, the Sunset thing makes me sick to think he can try to call them a "NEW" morph and also think that he can call his boas "het" for sunset. That makes no sense. He is selling them for 15,000 each, and the hets for 4,000. That is fine if he gets it, and more power to him. They are probably some of the prettiest Hypos I have seen, but call them WHAT THEY ARE!!!!!!! My thoughts on the subjet. Jeremy Stone


::Are they in demand now? I had a few supporters...........the rest was raising heck for me cross bredding.I got plenty comming. Dave @ East TN Reptiles. They are in fact BCI to BCI


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