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Hybrids---hate 'em

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Posted by Dayve on May 05, 2003 at 15:41:07:

In Reply to: Hybrids---hate 'em posted by Kevin Saunders on May 05, 2003 at 14:45:55:

::Why are people hybidizing boas? They are MUTTs, plain and simple. Some of the excuses are: hybrids occur in the wild, and "they will be microchipped" so people know what they are getting. I think the pure locals should be kept pure. I could get a male albino columbian and breed him to my hogg island females----but WHY?? I just do not understand...


:Before hybridizers will try to help you understand them, maybe you should make an effort to help them understand why you think they should be kept pure? All you really did was voice your opinion-one that has been stated countless times here and everwhere else. It still hasn't stopped hybridizing, but all you can expect from a post like yours is blatant arguing. Maybe you could give more info. on your views and get a more rational debate started. I'm not trying to belittle you in any way, I just thought I'd give some thoughts before this gets out of hand like posts on this topic often do.

OK, here it goes. I think that an albino male columbian bred to a female hogg island might look cool, and may fetch a pretty penny for a few years. In those few years, before a pure hogg island overtakes the price of the mutt albino (DH bred back to the father etc, yes I know the basic genetics) how many babies will be born, and purchased, and how many people who breed them will sell the offspring as hybrids? Most of us know about the blue and brown rock iguanas, how there are no more pure blues in the wild due to crossing with the browns. I feel that a few years after a certain hybrid has lost any APPEAL, people will start selling the hybrid animals as pure. There is the problem, people will obtain a hybrid, when they think they are getting a pure animal. Now, if Joe Blow wants an albino hogg, and has both parents, and breeds them to get that, cool, but then what do you do with the additonal offspring? Sell them, then the hybrids are out in the main stream, waiting to be sold one day as a pure animal.

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