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How to keep temp. at night

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Posted by 4m4t3ui2 on March 02, 2003 at 09:16:59:

I have a 240v 50 watt spot light and a daylight on during the day for 12 hours. But how should i keep the night temp. warm? does it means i have to on the basking light at night too ?
Don't my frillie have to sleep ?

And also, My frill don't seem to be interested in the meanworms and crickets i gave him, it has not eaten for 3 days.(starting on that day i bought him home)
Can someone please advise me wat to do ? Is it a good method to soak him in warm water? If so, for how long? Or maybe to force food into his mouth?
Btw, I learned that Frill are somethimes quite shy, thus i cover up the tank with newspaper. I can sometimes see it frill While basking under the light, does frilling in this case means anything?

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