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Re: Taming my Iguana

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Posted by AJD on January 24, 2003 at 19:31:59:

In Reply to: Taming my Iguana posted by jakeyjakers on January 03, 2003 at 10:32:05:

:I have had Guano, my green iguana, for about 3 months now. He is eating, usually, and appears to be very healthy. He is very active and likes to run when i let him out of his enclosure. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on helping to tame him? I have done a lot of handling of him all along, but he still seems untrusting and jumpy. I am new to this whole iguana thing, and only realized after my purchase the huge responsibility it is. However, I am committed to doing things right and making sure my iguana lives a long, healthy life. Please reply to me with any suggestions, and thanks!

I am glad to see that you are aware that it will be a huge responsibility. And it will be. #1 I hope that when you decide to let it "free roam" It will be on a leash and you will put it in a cage when you are not home. And also put it away before you go to bed let me tell you there are some horror stories. If a lizard is trusting of you enough they might just crawl into bed with you. You might roll over and you beloved lizard is know no more. It happens. #2 about taming: The best thing you can do is take you time the other post says prolong it over a week. That is way to short. You should span it over a month or 2. Make these handling session no longer than 15 min. Also if your lizard stops eating or anything out of the ordinary stop handling for a while.
#3 I am going to suggest you read the god of iguana books. It doesnt get better than this one it describes everything.
It is called "Green Iguana The Ultimate Owner's Manual" by James W. Hatfield III. The ISBN is 1-88346-348-3


hoped this helped


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