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Re: first time buyer

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Posted by koofaloofa on January 11, 2003 at 23:57:09:

In Reply to: first time buyer posted by kronik on January 02, 2003 at 16:22:30:

The calcium sand is not digestible. It is billed as ingestible. Big difference. The idea is that if ingested, the animal will pass it. It will not. The stuff will accumulate and eventually kill the dragon.

The best choice of substrate for juvenile dragons under 12" is newspaper or paper towel. Easy to clean, and fairly trouble free.

Once the dragon is larger, it can be kept on washed playsand, which is available at most home stores, some department stores, and even toys-r-us. The sand should have the larger bits filtered out of it before using. Some window screen will do the trick. If using sand, I suggest not feeding on it in any case. Feed greens in a deep bowl, and feed insects which cannot be contained in a bowl (such as crickets) in a seperate container. Dragons capture prey by tongue-flicking it, much the same as chameleons do, and a dragon hunting on loose substrate WILL ingest some, which is never a good idea. (Though they are better off ingesting the odd bit of playsand than calcium sand.)

:I am about to buy my first set of beardede dragons. I have handled the two I am about to buy and fell in love with them. I have one simple question though. I dont know what to use for bedding. I have heard to use sand since theyre desert lizards it makes it more natural. I have found sand that has calcium in it and if digested will cause no harm. i have also heard to use torn up paper or bedding, Ive heard that bedding doesnt work too well but i was given no reason. what should i do?

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