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Re: Gecko bedding

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Posted by GekkoGecko on January 09, 2003 at 19:16:10:

In Reply to: Gecko bedding posted by hedpace on January 05, 2003 at 00:30:35:

I've been seeing a lot of posts lately inquiring about wheat bran as a substrate. I've never heard of it being used for bedding except for mealworm or superworm bedding. I can't say for certain but I wouldn't take the chance just for the sake of probable mold development.
I keep my African Fat Tails and Leopards over 30 grams on substrate I make myself. I use Sphagnum peat moss and additive free top soil, I also add a small amount of sterile/washed play sand for weight. I screen the peat and top soil to eliminate any small sticks, gravel, etc.. This combination makes for a nice temperate humidity with a light misting using a water bottle once a day. You can also buy a similar substrate already prepared at the link below. I know someone who uses Repterra (milled substrate)for their Crested geckos and has excellent results. They make an arrid, temperate and a more humidity retaining substrate.
I prefer the fine screened or milled substrates because they are more easily passed should they "misfire" as they say. I've never had any problems with impaction either. Clean up is easy too, I use a medium sized tropical fish net to pick up the poop and shake the fishnet to strain the substrate.

Good luck

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