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Re: is the 50 gallon 36

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Posted by bobthebuilder on December 21, 2002 at 19:35:29:

In Reply to: is the 50 gallon 36 posted by -ryan- on December 21, 2002 at 12:53:48:

:Because either one, you could fit a bearded dragon for it's entire life, but the 36"x18" is a lot better because they don't have to squeeze to turn around. If you do decide on a bearded dragon, I wouldn't keep it in that size enclosure if it gets any longer than 20" (they grow between 16"-24"). They are extremely docile, and mine runs to the side of the tank when I walk in. They have a lot of character as well, much like that of a dog or a cat.

:Just remember, if you go for a beardie, be prepared to buy a bigger enclosure (something 48"x18") incase it gets too large for the 50 gallon.

::i was wondering if any1 nows of a good lizard that can live in a 50 gallon tank it has to be calm and not bite unless provoked(which i wont do)no snakes.oh and it can be an omnivore

its not the 48 inch its 36 by 24 by 24 its a wierd sized cage?!/?!?!?!!?!?!does any1 no af any other lizards that could fit itn that size??????�

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