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Would a Uromastyx be a good choice?

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Posted by Fizikzsk8ast1 on December 12, 2002 at 18:02:48:

I want to get a uro but i also want somethin that is pretty calm but not boring...i want somethin i can hold and handle out of its cage. I dont want somethin with a bad temper. Would a uromastyx be a good choice?? Ive had iguanas and even a tokay gecko before.... I didnt like neither of them and gave them to a family friend who already had one. Ive read about everything i could find on uro's and i am willing to accomidate the heating , feeding , and everything else. I already have a 100 gal. viv set up. Just tryin to decide what kind of lizard to get. Someone please help me here.

P.S.- Ive changed some stuff in my aquarium since i took that pic, I now have a cave thing built in the right corner. It has variable levels so the lizard could decide how close he wants to be to the heat source.The Rock in the left corner is no longer there as i heard that Uros need a big open space. Ill get new pix up soon. Thankz in advance for anyone who helps.

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