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Re: Leopard Gecko! (more)

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Posted by paulstephen on November 01, 2002 at 12:38:45:

In Reply to: Re: Leopard Gecko! (more) posted by ophidius on October 24, 2002 at 12:35:38:

I know you said you dint want geckos, but have you ever considered crestesd gekcos?? They would be good if you put the tank so it was verically oriented. As snakes go, mabye a western hognose? Your might try on of the smaller Uromastx, also.

:Hi, have you considered a leopard gecko or 2 (or 3)? I know you said geckos were out because you couldn't tame them but my leo is very easy to hold and catch (they tend to move slowly and deliberately as adults). They are also small enough to easily fit a pair or trio in a 35gal. tank but big enough to easily keep track of and handle. They're also very easy to keep compared with some other lizards. If you do decide on a leopard gecko I'd reccomend you find some carsheets online and buy a copy of "The Leopard Gecko Manual" from avs books.
:Hope this helps,
: ~chase

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