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Fluorescent lighting for lizards: cool vs. full spectrum

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Posted by Tor_de_Fartz on October 22, 2002 at 20:35:34:

I hae found that some lizards can get buy without full-spectrum lights, as long as some form of good quality fluorescent light is provided. A compact fluorescent that is 30 or more watts in power does wonders for my Asian grass lizards, and I know a guy who uses plain fluorescents for his day geckos. In both cases, the animals in question bred without trouble. Not that full-spectrumlight is totally worthless. You do get better plant growth, but even under regulat fluorescent lights, plants take off.

My final opinion: compare fluorescent lights in general to incandescent lights. Most incandescent lights, even cool whites, give off a lot yellowish visible light. When i walk intoa room lit by nothing but fluorescent lights, it gives the room a crisper look. Even though the light is brighter, it seems easier on the eyes. It is also certainly more pleasing to the eye. All this must work some psychological benefits on humans and any animals that notice the light, hence the reason fluorescent lights are so important to durnial lizards kept indoors.

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