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Re: Longtail Grass Lizard Problem!!!

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Posted by Tor_de_Fartz on October 20, 2002 at 06:24:11:

In Reply to: Longtail Grass Lizard Problem!!! posted by chris123 on October 16, 2002 at 19:08:54:

Sounds like a lack of calcium. Are you giving the animala calcium/D3 supplement? UV lights are worthless for calcium absorbtion, dispite what pet shops may tell you. You may be giving tha animl to much vitamin A, which can stop calcium abosrbtion. Check the labels on your supplements. If there is more vitamin A in your supplement than D3, you need to mix a calcium D# supplement with the one you are using now.

I mix Reptivie with Rep-Cals calcium/D3 supplement to make sure my animals get a balanced diet. What you you feed the insects you feed to your lizards can also make a difference. I use egg laying mash for hens to feed the crickets I feed to my lizards. Since birds and reptiles have similar nutrtional requirements, the formulated chicken mash (which is cheap and avialble at any feed/farm store like Southern States) provides the reptiles I have with all the needed nutrients through the crickets. In addition, crickets feed carrots and apples will have a high vitamin A content. Vitamin A is need, but in the right amounts.

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