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I just got two white spotted Geckos

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Posted by Doofy1577 on September 29, 2002 at 02:29:32:

I just baught two white spotted geckos at the Ohio all reptile show. How large will these guys get and what exact set up should I use. I already have them in a tank. A 10 gallon right now and both are pretty small and I plan on getting a 20 tall when they get bigger or maybe a 30. What temp and humidity should I use.Right now I have them in a tank with branches and plants (some type of ivy) with gravel at the buttom of the bedding so the plants roots have something to settle into. I have a UV light and a 60 watt day light from zoo med. Dish of water and I got some crickets and wax worms to feed them. Also will they eat earthworms? PLus I asked some people and got mixed reactions about meal worms for geckos. Yes or no on the meal worms. Any elp will be greatly apprecaited

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