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Re: Bearded Dragon... help needed

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Posted by PHFaust on August 27, 2002 at 11:30:26:

In Reply to: Bearded Dragon... help needed posted by Tik on August 26, 2002 at 19:49:27:

Congrats on doing the research before hand... Below is a link to a basic care sheet. I would personally suggest purchasing from a reputable breeder or checking out the local adoptions rather than purchasing from a store. Breeders here in the classifieds section have to follow a code to maintain their account. Also check with local herp societies. They will also usually know who are good breeders and who are not. Also as for the cage, I suggest starting big to begin with. A 40 gallon breeder size is MINIMAL for a beardie. Larger is better but that would be minimal. Beardies grow incredibly fast. Check out the bearded dragon forum here at kingsnake as well for more info on them and their care.


:I have been interested in getting a lizard for a long time. I have heard that the bd is the easiest and friendliest to own. Which would be better, getting one from a breeder or from the local pet shop (PetsMart)? Also, could I go ahead and get a large cage or wait for the beardie to grow a little in a 20 gal cage before transferring? What are some good places to get the cages from? I know it is a lot of questions, but any input would be much appreciated. Thanx

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