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Tank/toy cleaning questions

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Posted by sp00kachu on July 30, 2002 at 14:32:15:

I recently got a Crocodile Gecko, and while I want to keep his tank as clean as possible, I've been told you can't use any sort of soap to clean reptile tanks or apparatus because it's poisonous to them, despite heavy rinsing. I wipe down the walls with a damp paper towel, but I don't know if that's enough. The water dish is aquiring a white ring (due to calcium dust when the crickets drink/fall in) that won't fully come off with water and finger rubbing. Is there any way to get these things cleaner? Is the no-soap thing even accurate? I don't want to risk it if I'm not certain.

Also, how often should I change the substrate? (I use Bed-a-beast)

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