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I started off with a uromastyx.....

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Posted by Renee on July 25, 2002 at 13:02:44:

In Reply to: What's a good reptile for a beginner with some experience? posted by Laura on July 20, 2002 at 00:00:51:

: Hey,

: I've always been fascinated by reptiles of all kinds, and I was wondering what a good reptile for a beginner would be. (Chameleons too difficult and Iguanas too large, unfortunately :( ). I've owned many pets, but the only herps I've owned were two green anoles, two leopard frogs and some newts when I was much younger. I have space for about a 20 - 30 gallon aquarium. Recommendations of lizards, turtles or tortoises would be greatly appreciated (I would post this in the 'Aquatic Herps' section for the turtles/tortoises, but they don't have a 'beginner' section). Links to more detailed care and feeding would also be appreciated, if possible.

: Thanks!

: ~ Laura

and I am not the least bit disappointed! I had never owned any form of reptile (other than hermit crabs) in my life. They are awsome creatures, funny, have great personalities, and easy to care for. the initial setup can be costly but worth it :)

good luck!

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