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Re: anole food does not work

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Posted by jeffboren on July 13, 2002 at 22:48:29:

In Reply to: Sounds like the mesh on your screen top is too large. posted by Esther on June 24, 2002 at 18:01:53:

: Bottled food for anoles? Yuck! They like and thrive best on live food. So do grass lizards. Buy a new screen top that keeps your small crickets where they belong--in the tank. You can get it for a reasonable price through the mail, like Make sure you give the critters a very good quality UVB light like a Reptisun 5.0, plenty of climbing vines and branches, mist them a couple times/day, and gut-load their crickets. Sprinkle the crickets with a good calcium powder supplement every other feeding.

: BTW, grass lizards very often harbor black mites which hide in the deep belly scales they have. You should put the grass lizard in a tepid water bath to which you have added about 1/2 capful of Wesson oil. Make sure the water level is not more than 1/2" and WATCH the lizard while it's in there, maybe 20 minutes. You don't want a drowned lizard. The black mites will then hopefully begin to pop up from under the deep belly scales, and you can then pick them off with a fine forceps, to dump them into a paper cup containing a little rubbing alcohol, to kill them. Be very thorough in probing gently for these black mites. You can apply a bit more Wesson oil on a Q-tip to the belly only of the grass lizard, to further encourage the mites to pop out.


The canned anole food that zoomed makes does not work i tried it its just smelly dead flies

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