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Re: iguanas as pets

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Posted by benne on June 12, 2002 at 11:54:33:

In Reply to: iguanas as pets posted by Eric on June 11, 2002 at 15:09:36:

: Do iguanas make ok pets? I'm not really a beginner; I have a leopard gecko, but it would be my first rather large lizard. Also, I'm kind of looking for a smaller type of iguana so could anyone help me? Thanks!

if you have the place and very much time for them, then yes;they make good pets. but keep in mind that they get very big and can be very agressive sometimes. and they can stike with their tails and man, that hurts.

I work in a reptile zoo and almost every week iguanas are dumped here(and now we must care for all these agressive/mistreatend iguanas) but I don't mind that:) Really is a shame how some were kept, and then these stupid excuses from the people who dump them, man.
They don't stay small forever.

µIf you want something big maybe you can have a look at monitors? they are really beautiful and (some) aren't agressive at all.
or,get a beardie 1000 times better.
and don't buy wc desert iguanas(hard to keep them alive)

good luck.

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