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Posted by Liam on June 06, 2002 at 12:28:27:

In Reply to: Re: LIZARD QUESTION !!!! posted by Ray on May 24, 2002 at 05:42:07:

: To begin with, lizards do not like to be held. Some species will tolerate it, but most do not like to be handled.

: Second, only adults are really suitable for handling, in my opinion.

: So, which species should you try? Personally, I think a leopard gecko would be your best bet. Adults are robust and fairly calm. My leopard gecko will take food from my hand, and has never bitten me. It will usually avoid my hand when I try to pike it up; but, once I scoop it up, it usually sits calmly and even occasionally licks my hand. African fat-tailed geckos are okay for handling as well, but I have occasionally heard of these geckos biting. They seem to be slightly more aggressive than leopard geckos. Another good choice would be a bearded dragon. My bearded struggles a little if I lift him out of his cage, but he doesn't seem to mind too much. He also eats live crickets right out of my hand, and has yet to bite.

: As far as mixing species, I would not keep any of the above together. They have slightly different requirements. A large bearded dragon would probably hurt either of the smaller gecko species I mentioned above. If you want to mix species together, get a thirty gallon or larger tank and make it into a vivarium. As long as you pick species of lizards that have different niches and don't overcrowd, they should get along. Brown and green anoles will get along with small day geckos and house geckos. Asian long-tailed grass lizards and pygmy skinks will also get along with small anoles and geckos. Unfortunately, all of these are poor choices for handling.

: A few things you must watch when mixing species are:

: that all of the animals can bask without competing. This means providing multiple basking sites. And of course, critters that have a great size difference can not be housed together. A large brown anole may eat a smaller anole without much trouble.

: : Hello,What is the lizard that likes to get held the most.
: : Which lizard wont bite you 90% of the time.
: : Which lizard will do both the best togeather?

: : thx,
: : Dustin

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