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Re: Is your "desert lacerta" very small, brown, with white spots?

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Posted by Ray on May 27, 2002 at 19:13:37:

In Reply to: Is your "desert lacerta" very small, brown, with white spots? posted by Esther on May 26, 2002 at 12:43:27:

It may have been in the same genus, but my lacerta looked a little different. Its overall color was lighter, but the pattern was basically the same. It was nervous and often bloodied its nose on the tank side at first. It was not a pciky eater: crickets, mealworms, a little fruit; it ate what I offered.

: Does it look like this?


: Then it's an Eremias, probablyl E. suphani. They like to burrow very much, so I keep them on ESU Jungle Mix lizard litter, with a Reptisun 5.0 uvb bulb, a 40-60W incandescent bulb in a dome at one end of the tank, and a couple of 15W bulbs in a fish tank fixture to provide fill-in lighting. The temperature is about 85 degrees, and under the dome fixture, it's more like 95-100. The lizards bask when they want to, and have hollow logs and silk vines to retreat into when they want to be cooler or hide. I mist the vines once or twice a day, and they have a parakeet watering tube in one corner. They have learned to drink from the narrow plastic trough of it, which avoids dirt, excrement, and crickets fouling their water. I keep a tiny piece of plastic needlepoint canvas in the bottom of the test tube which makes up the waterer, and this keeps crickets from floating up into the water.

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