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Pls help me pick something for my 40g tall aquarium...

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Posted by Angela on May 06, 2002 at 21:03:33:

I took down a FW aquarium and set this tank up outside on my patio (South Florida, btw, just for geographic suitability info, it is hot outside!). Anyhow, the tank is has a bunch of driftwood in it, 4-5" of soil on the bottom, and a plant (soon to be many plants). The tank has a 2x55w power compact fixture over a screen top.

background info on me: I am a saltwater aquariust. I have owned a long-tailed lizard, but was having problems getting to the store all of the time for crickets, and could not figure out a way to keep them alive over 24hrs. I was thinking, a) a creature who only needs crickets occassionally and will feed on something that I can keep alive easily (worms maybe??). b) set up an enclosure within the tank for crickets, and let a few loose each day or two (don't know if this might get too complicated, or if i'd even be able to keep them alive). I ended up freeing my long-tailed lizard after several months as he begun to grow thin and not eat and I felt bad for him (I know, not the right thing to do).

Anyhow, i'm looking for something that will catch the eye with bright colors, or with lots of activity (preferrably both). I do not want to have to clean the soil, I was hoping on setting up a sort of eco-system, add a few earthworms to turn the soil, plants should consume nutrients, etc. The tank is 3ft long, 1ft wide, 18" tall, i'm thinking something that would be from 2-6" fully grown, maybe a couple of the same animal if they are social.

Sorry for the long post, figured it might help you to help me.


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