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Medical question

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Posted by herpluver on May 12, 2003 at 08:04:34:

In Reply to: Medical question posted by jimnyc on May 12, 2003 at 07:54:15:

my did the same thing when they were young, but when i took them to the vet they both had pinworms and coccidia. i don't know if the parasites made them viomit, or if they just got sick off the mealys. if you havn't had a fecal done i would have one done just to make sure

:I gave my beardies some superworms yesterday as a treat, and they ate them as quickly as I put them in their enclosure. I gave them about 10 total, and my beardies are 10" and 14". I noticed last night the smaller guy wasn't too interested in eating his crickets for dinner. Now when I went to feed them this morning, I noticed one of them threw up the superworms (I'm assuming the smaller guy). When I put the crickets in, my larger guy went to town but the littler one just stood there. Could he be sick from the worms? And if so, how should I proceed? Thanks!

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