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The Natural = Good Phallacy

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Posted by Christyj on May 11, 2003 at 20:25:57:

In Reply to: The Natural = Good Phallacy posted by georgio on May 11, 2003 at 19:17:38:

You're right, some people do think that way. I'm not one of them ..
I'm basing my opinion on use of the products. Though I do highly respect Vals work with herbals and their proven ability to do what he says. Many meds are derived from plant life, heck, penicillin started out as mold.
I think if Parazap and Absolute Calcium were made by Zoomed or RepCal no one would would question it.
Case in point, Jump-Start is widely accepted and claims to be a Caloric Suppliment for animals that aren't eating. The stuff has more fat in it then anything, 34.5%. It also has 1045 IU of vitamin A. The protein content is 0.7%, which is next to nothing. The same people make lightbulbs, and desert blend calcium sand. So now they are experts in anorexic beardies? No, but people keep giving their herps Jump Start and believing what it says when they are giving them mostly fat and see their beardie fatten up.
Like val said, there is a rebuttal to every statement. Putting people that use Parazap in a holistic, herbal, naturalist catagory is a bit unfair. I only saw one sentence that Tracy said she looks for more natural products for her beardies, nothing wrong with that. Nowhere did I see mention of "since it is natural it is safe and good for you."
Tracy has proof that Absolute Calcium brought low serum levels back to normal. I have proof that Parazap got rid of hookworm when conventional methods failed. I guess that is why we support it so strongly. It was proven to us firsthand.

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