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another somethin to add

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Posted by veronicag on May 08, 2003 at 18:06:11:

In Reply to: another somethin to add posted by SoCalSerenity on May 08, 2003 at 17:26:09:

If her bones were soft from MBD all of her bones would be like rubber and would break really easily. If her arm and leg bones feel ok, then she could have something else going on inside. Only a vet can answer that one. If I could see her it would be different. I just don't want to give you wrong advice.

Can you feel her spine, tail and legs and see if there are any hard knobs on them? Does her jaw look ok? Firm and shaped right? A soft rubbery jaw and bumps or knobs on the spine, tail or legs are all indications of MBD. Severely sick beardies tend to be lethargic and may only be able to drag themselves along the ground. This sounds like what you are experiencing when you say that she can't walk.

Any plans to take her to the vet?

Good luck.

:shes real squishy like feels like shes a marshmellow everywhere is that becuase shes real plump or are her bones disapearing cuz now we are all freaking out

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