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DO they get overweight?

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Posted by PhoenixZorn on May 08, 2003 at 15:45:13:

In Reply to: DO they get overweight? posted by LdyPayne on May 07, 2003 at 19:58:34:

You've never given your dragons a proper bath... =)

If you give your dragons something to stand on while you fill the tub with about 3-4 inches of water, you'll notice them puffing up. They then dive in and float around, quite bouyant indeed, and they look like they enjoy themselves. Then of course comes the poop fromt he extra pressure of inflating themselves, and then they kinda just sit and float... It's quite humorous.

Usually, they have already been drinking water before they do their thing, so yeah... its safe. =)

:My beardie will inflate himself to look bigger and also hold himself all stiff like. Makes it really hard to put him back on his log after I hold him for awhile..worried he will just slide off.

:As for putting overwieght dragons on a diet..if it is a young one I would feed it all it can eat crickets and leave mixed greens in all day, basicaly a normal diet with no waxworms or pinkies. Maybe drop a single cricket in his cage and wait till he catches it before adding more..give him more exercise that way...just don't drop in a bunch at once as they probably run and hide and wind up causing more harm to him at night while he sleeps.

:Putting him in warm water about shoulder height with a rolled up washcloth to rest on once a day should provide him some easier exercise..the water will bouyent him up more to make it easier to move around a bit.


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